La Base des Eléments initiaux

The goal of the annotations in the EIOMSIT corpus is:

1) The concerned units

a) clauses :

b) Subjects:

The designations attached to subjects are as follows:

Note on expansions : adjectives, noun complements, and restrictive relatives are not treated like expansions, they are part of the node:

non-restrictive relatives and apostionals are treated like expansions (in italics infra):

Special cases:

- Like Paul D. points out, “this decision is frankly up for discussion, because …”: this type of structure is treated like one clause:

-> Like Paul D. points out is an IE.

2) Classifications of Initial Elements (IEs)

Reminder: every element preceding the subject is taken into consideration

Tallying IEs:

In order to avoid too subjective an interpretation (coinciding semantics or not) and relying on the unreliable criteria of the punctuation, we have decided to segment as much as possible, including when there is a juxtaposition or coordination of phrases belonging to the same semantic category, and not separated by a comma:

- In Chicago, in the United States : 2 IEs

- In Chicago in the United States : 2 IEs

- and yet / however nevertheless : 2 IEs

The ‘and’ case:

When ‘and’ coordinates an element, meaning it is not the head of the clause, it is included in the element it coordinates, and does not constitute an IE

For example:

- And we hope that… : 1 IE

- And(,) if he moves, his life is at stake: 2 IEs

- And yet his life is at stake: 2 IEs

- Relieved to have finished and happy to be on vacation, he was radiant: 2 IEs (and happy to be on vacation counts as one IE)

Classification system:

a) The IE classification system that has been adopted takes into account different dimensions, primarily syntactic and semantic. It does indeed appear that so-called circumstantial complements, for example, have a different function depending on their semantics (manner, tense,...) in regards to the initial position, their combination, and the characteristics of the subject. The same goes for certain “peripheral” elements (connectors, secondary predicates).

b) thus a morpho-syntactic classification is assumed: ADVerb (and locational adverbs), NounPhrase(Prep.), AdjectivePhrase, INFinitiveCLause, present/past PARTiciple CLauses.

c) there is also assumed, in the frame of individual studies, a pragmatic-informational classification:

c) Il est en outre prévu, dans le cadre des études individuelles, un classement pragmatico-informationnel: introducteur de cadre, repère, topique, topique anticipé (construction ‘topic promotion’ : Paul, il n’a toujours pas téléphoné), ‘setting’.

Pertinent linguistic criteria for initial elements:

- presence / absence

- number

- type

- order

- [prominence / cognitive status : in the frame of individual studies]

Classification (updated 30/03/21):

A) Logico-pragmatic elements functioning as connecters

Aa) Connectors (in yellow)

- utterance : and, but, because, yet, indeed, finally….furthermore, likewise

- announcement (phatic/conative markers): you know, …

Ab) Apostrophes/interpellations of phatic turnage (in yellow)

These elements ensure a connection with the interlocutor


- Thus the US is revealed by 1971 trade, and most years thereafter, to be abundant in skilled compared with unskilled labor.

- In fact, however, the net embodied labor flows are small.''

- But persistent low trade volumes over time are nonetheless compatible with external product markets that are dictating lower wages for unskilled workers

- Indeed if one does the calculation right , properly allowing for the US external surplus , Leontief's 1947 trade data reveal the US to have been more abundant in capital than in labor, not the other way round.

- Conversely, a coincidence of changes in internal factor supplies and external factor demands can leave trade quantities unchanged, but can be accompanied by factor price changes.

- In addition, the structure captures more closely the historical variability of GDP, consumption, and the nominal interest rate.

- As a result, there is a persistent increase in real money balances, which explains why the shock induces a reduction in the domestic nominal interest rate that lasts several periods.

B) Comments (orange)

These define the attitude of the locutor towards the utterance or announcement

- comment of an utterance: really, in short, maybe, without a doubt, obviously… for example, in particular, of course

- comment of an announcement: frankly, to tell the truth, in all seriousness, clearly


- For example, Katz and Murphy (1992) report ''Table VII presents the changes in relative labor demand predicted by changes in international trade in manufactures.

- Provided this is invertible, which requires at least that the number of factors is less than or equal to the number of tradables , we can solve for the prices of tradables from the factor contents.

- In particular, we estimate stocks of equity and foreign direct investment based on flow data that are adjusted to reflect the effect of changes in market prices and exchange rates.

- Interestingly, the difference between the two estimates is strongly correlated with cumulative errors and omissions (0.75 for industrial countries).

- Similarly, trade openness may influence both level and composition of external liabilities via several channels.

- In other words, among the industrial nations, the relatively less developed are net recipients of FDI; among developing nations, it is the countries most open to international trade.

- Clearly, the data we constructed have ample margins for error.

C) Elements Expressing a Logical Relationship (in pink)


- As we raise the fraction of sharers, XXX the effect of an average supply disturbance on the equilibrium exchange rate 26 diminishes.

- Then with balanced trade there is no trade.

- Because he declines to engage with the state and the empire as historical process, Agamben is prevented - by himself - from considering European and other forms of colonialism and imperialism, which would otherwise be a logical next move.


- Indeed if one does the calculation right, properly allowing for the US external surplus , Leontief's 1947 trade data reveal the US to have been more abundant in capital than in labor, not the other way round.

- For example, the 'stages' hypothesis predicts a positive relationship between the level of development and NFA (Eichengreen, 1991): as a country moves from capital-scarce to capital-abundant, it evolves from the status of a net debtor to a net creditor.

- While the role of the central bank in the foreign exchange market is at the heart of the controversy, discussions of intervention typically treat the central bank's objectives as being unrelated to the workings of the market itself.

- Given the relative lack of formal employment opportunities for uneducated people living in rural Tanzania, however, the structural economic drivers of destructive fishing cannot be overlooked.

Goal / consequence

- In an attempt to explain key features of international macroeconomic data, much effort has recently been devoted to developing quantitative open economy business cycle models with explicit microfoundations.

- To solve the model, we conjecture that the equilibrium exchange rate is a linear function of the average private price signal, of the average supply of those who do not share their information, and of the average supply of those who do

- In attempting to document acute cases of dynamite fishing, important questions arise as to the extent to which we should emphasize agency or structural constraints in our interpretations and explanations of causality.

Comparison /conformity

- In all of its foreign exchange transactions, including those for its own and the US Treasury's accounts, as well as for the accounts of foreign central banks and other 35 entities, the Federal Reserve uses this group of dealers exclusively.

- Just as with dynastic kingship in itself, this appropriation represented a usurpation which is a key element of the making of the state monopoly of violence.

Opposition / concession

- Unlike Vitale's central bank, it is not endowed with all of the information about the fundamentals.

- Rather than marking a barrier that kept separate entities that should not be mixed together, the border was represented as a line in the sand that political and military authorities had put there

- However, despite our best attempts to create order from disorder, variability and unpredictability often reign supreme.

D) Secondary Predicates : (in red)

There are different types: Nominal apposition, past participle, adjective (less common: present participle, gerund))

- Borrowing the Aristotelian concept of potentiality (of close concern to Agamben), we can say that "the barbarian," in this understanding - which is also the key salvageable aspect of the idea of homo sacer, as a perpetually available idea - represents the rhetorical limit of the law…

- As ethnographers with refined observational skillsets, we are often highly attuned to the visible dimensions of social life.

- In reflecting on my time spent living in a coastal village in rural Mtwara, I recall a conversation I had with an individual one evening, as we sat beneath a neem tree, sipping our cups of chai.

- Faced with practical questions about how property regimes and systems of tenure had changed as a result of conservation policies, I at times questioned whether I had actually grasped anything consequential at all during my fieldwork.

Often, the present participle or gerund have a causal value, and are therefore classified as C:

- In attempting to document acute cases of dynamite fishing, important questions arise as to the extent to which we should emphasize agency or structural constraints in our interpretations and explanations of causality.

The coreference with the receiving phrase is not systematic:

- Même de mauvaise humeur, je la trouve charmante

E) “Detached” Elements (in blue-green)

Further on, we cover (in H) elements introduced by a topic marker (in regards to, as for…), whether or not there’s a later coreference in the clause

We keep the non-introduced element, with or without a pronominal recovery

- The unpredictability of the small things - the mundane, quotidian, personal matters that people have to attend to as they go about their lives - that seemed to be where the contingency lay.

F) Essential Complements : (in gray)

- Of these, the trade matrix is readily observable, while the determination of the vector db requires econometric estimation of various substitution and income effects.

G) (Circumstantial) Adverbials

These define the representational limits of the realm of speech

Ga) Concrete and Temporal Spatial Elements: (in bright green)

- In antiquity, the exemplum was a favored form of Roman rhetoric…

- In ancient Rome - the source of Agamben's homo sacer - slaves were everywhere.

- In 228, 216, and 113 BCE, two pairs each of Gaul and Greek victims were buried alive in Rome

- … by the time of their compilation, the State (with its newly assumed powers to judge, jail, exile, or kill in its name and in the name of its newly appropriated or refashioned gods) had already become a long-established fact.

The distinction between spacials and temporals will, if necessary, be done in the frame of individual studies.

Gb) “Abstract” Spatial Elements (in turquoise)

- In Section 3 below, we show that the redistribution task previously assigned to international income transfers can be taken on by multilateral reforms of tariffs.

- Near the initial equilibrium, the differential comparative statics system consistent with the model (3)-(6) is…

- Under this requirement on the tariff changes, the equations in (12) will be satisfied if...

- According to (21) on the other hand, a 2 common relaxation of quotas is efficiency improving if the countries k[K satisfy the less demanding multilateral version of Condition S …

- From this unchanging factor content it does not follow that 'globalization' is unimportant.

dont les exemples de quantification notionnelle

- Up to a certainty-equivalent approximation, (21) can be written as G21 s21 ( } /P ) kG/ s5(C ) i 1 h ...

- Among industrial countries, the cross-sectional link between GDP per capita and the net external position is weaker, and richer countries tend to have more FDI and portfolio equity assets.

The line between concrete and abstract spatial elements is not always very clear.

Gc) Adjuncts of manner (in dark yellow)

- Formally, there exists a strictly increasing and infinitely differentiable function w such that for any pair of strictly positive consumptions C , C , s d s u

- With the utility function in Eq. (3), I calculate the gains from moving from the utility of a portfolio of 100% US stocks at point A to the utility at the optimal combination

- Equally, the Greek government persisted in refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the border after the cessation of hostilities in 1949 ...

- Yet by the same logic the politics of the society to which these citizens belong becomes but a false biopolitics ...

H) Thematic/Notional Field Elements (in blue)

This is introduced by a topic marker:

- With the assumption of global technology and global factor price equalization we get a second (Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek) equation that links factor contents with factor supplies.

- In terms of the model, the group of dealers with whom the desk interacts is represented by the information-sharing group, and the central bank aggregates 36 their individual supply disturbances, z.

- For the nominal rigidities model, Panel (a) in Figure 1 shows responses to a one-standard-deviation (1.70%) money supply innovation (the following responses represent relative deviations from pre-shock values).

- In the special case of banishment, which was devised in a world without prisons and guillotines, this usurpation is of an ancient form of self-policing and self-deception devised by pre-state communities …

I) Source / Point of View (in dark green)

- According to the Rank Condition, the N 3K world trade matrix X, whose columns comprise the countries' net exports vectors of all tradable goods, must have rank 9 equal to the number of countries minus one.

- As Malinowski (1922) showed, doing fieldwork in situ is an essential step in attempting "to grasp the native's point of view, his relation to life, to realize his vision of his world"

- times when, some said, life was relatively good, though of course others said the opposite.

- For ethnographers, such tensions can invoke deeply transformative self-reflexive critiques, highlighting the multidirectionality of ethnobiological scholarship.